World Mental Health Day is on the 10th October.
Dunamis Therapy Hub are joining many around the world to raise awareness and to breakdown stigma.


One of the most pervasive common mental health conditions is depression.

Depression is such a difficult issue as it is a hidden condition unlike something like a broken leg. It isolates the sufferer often leaving them feeling worthless, without purpose or interest in anything.

Since it is a ‘popular term’ many people suggest they are depressed when they feel a bit low. In some quarters therefore depression is dismissed as trifling but for those who are seriously effected, depression can be extremely debilitating.

At Dunamis therapy hub we recognise how hard it is and counter the isolating aspect of depression by running low cost self-help groups led by a qualified therapist and support therapist.

The groups are designed to support people to talk about issues, try some researched improvement ideas and foster new hope for the future.

To find out more contact


Another of the most pervasive common mental health conditions is anxiety which sometimes is related to depression.

Anxiety effects most of us at some time in our lives but for some people the condition is chronic. One’s life can become problematic if anxiety causes people to avoid certain situations.

The good news is that much can be done to help people fight their anxieties.
At Dunamis Therapy Hub we run low cost self-help groups led by a qualified counsellor and support counsellor.
The groups are designed to support people to begin to make positive changes in their lives and to learn strategies to combat the symptoms that are restricting their enjoyment of life.

Good Mental Health

Good mental health helps us bounce back from difficult challenges in life. Increases our sense of wellbeing so we can enjoy the world and people around us; Invites us to live life to the full, play and find the humour that keeps issues in life in perspective.

To improve your sense of well- being today why not-

  • Tell someone you love them
  • Go for a walk in nature
  • Listen to some uplifting music
  • Count your blessings
  • Contact a friend
  • Find time to play
